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Surrey School District SD-36
District Education Centre

District Education Centre

The Surrey School district tasked Mc2 with the design of the AVsystems in new Resource Education centre, to be built on the SD-36 main campus site in Surrey. We developed a design for a state of the art, five large screen projection systems based presentation, capture & streaming system for their new large conference/ballroom, located on the top floor of the new building. The challenge was to design an A/V system which could meet the different usage requirements for this multi-purpose conference room and be operated by outside users, renting the space for their events from the SD-36. The A/V systems needed to be able to be used for events such as seminars, district meetings, presentations, classes, conferences, banquet events and weddings. The large screen projectors were located in secure projection alcoves protected by locked doors projecting through the projection glass.

Resource Education Centre

The front/centre stage area of the room was equipped with floor-boxes and a fully functional mobile lectern, which can be removed and stored in the adjacent A/V rack/control room if it is not needed for events such as conference, banquets and/or weddings. The sound system makes use of a line array based speaker system and a wireless microphone system to provide voice pick up and local sound re-enforcement to provide good speech intelligibility for all seats in the room. Not an easy undertaking due to the floor to ceiling glass windows wrapping around three wall of the room, providing a very bright and scenic room experience, but also a challenging room acoustics environment. Thanks to Mc2’s ability to accurately build a 3D computer model of the room and its acoustical parameters in EASE, we were able to model the sound systems performance in the room environment and pick a suitable sound system to provide good sound quality and speech intelligibility for the whole room, while staying within the A/V systems capital budget.

Completed: September 2016

Mc Squared System Design Group, Inc Mc Squared System Design Group, Inc
323 - 901 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver, BC. V7P 3P9   Ph 604-986-8181
116-5100 Anderson Way, Vernon, BC V1T 0C4   Ph 604-986-8181