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UBC Thunderbird Arena

Arena entry

We provided sound system design services for the new UBC Thunderbird Arena. The main arena system has separate ice coverage and bleacher coverage zoning, with each speaker having an individual amplifier channel. This provides maximum flexibility of system presets for standard seating and stage layouts for various events. The amplifiers and main DSP pieces are in a catwalk rack room. The amplifiers are Crown CTs series with IQ control, and the DSP is a Biamp Audia Flex with Cobranet. The remote interfaces for both the DSP and amplifiers are running on a computer in the sound booth, so the operator can check the status of the system from the operator booth.

Arena interior

There is a basic installed audio and video cabling infrastructure in the arena with remote connector plates tied back to a patch panel in the operator booth. This helps support self-produced events that would otherwise require a large inventory of portable cables and much longer setup and changeover times between events. To minimize the requirement for numerous adapters, the patch bay tie lines are all XLR so that they can be used directly with standard microphone cables. There are also coax composite video tie lines to support video cameras and monitors for user recording or for cueing for events.

Arena panels

There is a 2 channel production intercom cabling infrastructure that allows the connection of a rental intercom package, or the future addition of a Clear-Com master station or power supply. This speeds up deployment of a production intercom system, and reduces the need to run intercom cables across access ways. By allowing the intercom power supply to be disconnected easily, it is possible for an outside production company to use their own intercom system with any XLR 3 pin wiring configuration without risking compatibility with the house intercom package.

The two smaller arenas that are part of the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre had system upgrades and are connected to the overall building paging management system.

The sound systems were installed by Rocky Mountain Production Services.

Visit the website of the UBC Thunderbird Arena

Mc Squared System Design Group, Inc Mc Squared System Design Group, Inc
323 - 901 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver, BC. V7P 3P9   Ph 604-986-8181
116-5100 Anderson Way, Vernon, BC V1T 0C4   Ph 604-986-8181